Why You Should Consider Cabinet Refacing

Cornerstone Kitchen & Bath > Custom Cabinetry Blog > Why You Should Consider Cabinet Refacing

If you want your bathroom, kitchen, and home to have a new, updated, and clean look and feel but you are working on a budget, then cabinet refacing is probably a great option for you. If you have well-made cabinets but you don’t love the look, then cabinet refacing is probably the best option for you.  Cabinet refacing is pretty much what it sounds like. We keep your original cabinet boxes and put new doors, hinges, and pulls on them to give them a new look and life. Some of the wonderful benefits of cabinet refacing are:

  • Time – One of the great perks of cabinet refacing is how little time it takes compared to replacing your cabinets. Cabinet refacing usually only takes about two days to complete.

cabinet refacing is probably a great option for you

  • Cost – Cabinet refacing is a fraction of the cost of new cabinets.
  • Environmental Advantages – Old cabinets that are removed from a home are often not recyclable. When you reface your cabinets, you are giving new life to your existing cabinets and keeping them from going to the landfill.
  • Options – You will not be limited in options when you decide to reface your cabinets. You will be able to choose the type of wood, finish, hinges, and drawer pulls.

Cabinet refacing is an economical, quick, and wise choice to bring new life to your home. If your cabinet boxes are in good condition, then we highly recommend cabinet refacing. We have been in business since 1983. We have decades of experience in cabinet refacing and we are confident that you will love your new-looking cabinets. Give us a call at Cornerstone Kitchen & Bath to schedule your cabinet refacing.